Wednesday, November 14, 2012

A melody softly soaring through my atmosphere - Pic of the Week

Pic of the week comes to you on the anniversary of my first Death Cab for Cutie concert, straight from Rock City in Nottingham, England - 15 November, 2008.

If you know me at all, you know I'm crazy for music.  I love music more than anything in the world.  Well wait, lets be's in a tie with my love for travel.  I really mean that in a literal sense.  I love music (and travel) more than ANYTHING

Death Cab for Cutie slowly became my all-time favourite band.  Lead singer Benjamin Gibbard just knows how to write a song.  He's a lyric genius.  His writing is clever and inventive and when his lyrics come together in a melody, it all just makes sense. 

I was living in Leicester, England in 2008 - a town that is not host to many concerts.  If you want to see a show, you've got to journey to either Birmingham or Nottingham.  So when Death Cab announced a show at Rock City in Nottingham, I called up my friend to see if she wanted to go.  She didn't really know their music, but I gauranteed her they were brilliant.  I told her to make absolutely sure she could go, which she assured me she available.  Three days before the show, she text me to say she forgot it was her friend's birthday and therefore couldn't make it :-/  In a rush of panic, I posted on Facebook that I had an extra ticket if anyone wanted to come (I had never been to a show solo and didn't want to start now).  A friend living in Yorkshire said she would love to go, didn't have to work, and we should make a weekend out of it in Notts - book a hotel and lets have a girly weekend!  Hotel booked (on my credit card), tickets in hand, and my friend called me (day of) to say plans changed and she did indeed have to work that night.  Greeeat.  Now I've paid for two tickets and a hotel room.  I really didn't want to go to the show alone and desperately tried to find someone to go with, without any luck.  I almost backed out on going until I realized it's Death Cab for Cutie.  My favourite band.  Fuck it - I don't care if I'm alone - I'm going!

Going to a concert solo isn't a bad thing.  I feared people would be staring at me, wondering why this loser was alone at a show.  That's not the case.  We're all coming together to enjoy the same thing.  We all have something in common.  A deep love for Death Cab. 

Pic of the Week:
Death Cab for Cutie
Rock City, Nottingham, England
15 November, 2008
I fucking love concerts.  In my mind, there is no better feeling than the pounding of the music, bursting your ears and beating your soul.  I can feel it coursing through my veins and I drink it up!  My world evaporates and all I can focus on is the music.  I swear, the music venue could be hit by a plane and I wouldn't know.

The biggest sacrifice I have made in moving to Southeast Asia is going to shows.  Sacrifice one love for another.  Every once in a while, I hear of a show I'd love to see playing in Singapore.  I get this crazy notion (well, it's not so crazy) to just fly to Singapore to see a show.  Yeah, not after I see the ticket price!!  A show that would cost maybe $20 in the States is $100 in Singapore.  WTF!!!  Until I meet a rich man with the same love for music, my shows have been put on the back burner.  (Death Cab was one of those Singapore shows I had to back out on.  Damn shame).  If any of you know any handsome, available, rich men that love music, feel free to send them my way.

I've only had the fortunate experience of seeing Death Cab for Cutie twice and both times, they were "spiritual" experiences for me.  (Anyone who loves music the way I do understands what I mean when I say spiritual).  Benjamin Gibbard is one of two people that I need to meet at some point in my life.  Just to thank him personally for the music he helps create.  If anyone knows Benny G, I'd appreciate it if you hook a sista up ;)

Happy melodic Trails!

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