Friday, January 4, 2013

A New Year of Discovery - Photo blog

My lovely apartment
Happy 2013 People!  I know, I'm 4 days late, but better late than never, eh?

On New Year's Eve, I decided to take a walk.  Something I haven't done since July, since before my accident.  I've been wanting to wander around and discover the Thai neighbourhood I moved into a few months ago for a while now.  My ankle has been feeling relatively good lately perhaps in part due to rubbing it down with castor oil a few times a week.  I had never heard of such a remedy until a guy that lives in my apartment building suggested it.  Apparently castor oil is good to reduce swelling among other things.  The last few weeks, the pain has greatly subsided and my limp is far less noticable :)

That being said, I decided to go on one of my discovery walks I've missed so much.  I only lasted about 45 minutes (as opposed to the 3 hour ones I used to take), but it's a small improvement in the right direction!

Here is a photo blog of what I found - mostly from a temple near my place.  Enjoy!

Beautiful flowers!
The canal that I didn't know existed

Thai post!

Beautiful temple

The temple Chedi

From the Chedi looking out

Laying Buddha
Thai cemetery - the headstones have photographs of the deceased.
A beautiful house of prayer
Detail of the temple

Don't cross this temple guardian!
A Buddha taking shelter from the heat

In the evening, we grilled up some American style shish kabobs on a Thai bbq - onion, red pepper, pineapple, tomato and pork and drizzled with coconut milk...delicious!!!

New Year's Eve KEBOB-BQ (see what I did there?)

Here's to a fulfilling 2013!

Happy Trails!


  1. Glad to hear you are starting to have less pain and the healing is coming along. Happy New Years!

  2. Thanks, I'm glad there is less pain as well...the last 6 months have been extremely frustrating to say the least. I doubt it will ever be perfect again, but at least it gets better every day :) Happy New Year to you, too!
