Saturday, February 16, 2013

The end is near and other random blabs

I haven't been blogging much these past two weeks.  Mainly because I feel like shit.  I've had some kind of sickness since December 22nd.  Nearly two months now.  I've been to the pharmacy about 6 or 7 times and still can't shake this.  I'm not a hypocondriac by any means, but I'm pretty much convinced I've got walking pneumonia.  I'm finally on antibiotics and I'm feeling the best I've felt in the last few months.  Certainly not 100%, but hopefully this shit is finally making an exit.  (Imagine trying to teach and yell over a classroom of screaming 9 year olds while hacking, coughing up shit, with a stuffed nose and head for the last 2 months...not to mention the end of the school year is soon upon us, therefore the kids are even more rowdy than usual...It's been extremely frustrating and exhausting).

As much as I've enjoyed Thailand, it's definitely given me my fair share of an ass whooping.  Counting this current crud in addition to the many other colds/flus I've had, along with your typical stomach bugs and runs you get when travelling, and lets not forget the incident with the motorbike (for which I'm still having problems with my ankle...I can't tell you how much I miss running), I've about had it with Thailand.

Yesterday, I taught my 1st graders and 3rd graders for the last time.  Those are my favourite classes at school.  Although my 3rd graders behaviour is questionable more times than not, I must say they have the best personalities at the school.  I'm really going to miss those little monsters!! 

My favourite student is in 1st grade.  His name is New Friend and this little guy facinates the hell out of me.  He's one of the "special" cases at school...I think he's autistic, and if he's not on his meds, he's all over the place.  But when he's focused on something, I swear this kid is a genius.  Give him a ruler, pencil and piece of paper and he will draw you the most amazing and intricate picture of railway system.  Last week in class, I just sat with New Friend and watched him draw his train.  I was completely transfixed by his use and accuracy of his ruler.  He moved with speed and precision, not one line was out of place.  I was basically ignoring the rest of the class, focused on New Friend (I was pissed at his Thai teacher, she's constantly yelling at New Friend and harping on him, so I left her to deal with the rest of the class).  It really saddens me to know that I will probably never see this little guy again after I leave.

We have only 4 more days left of teaching.  Then the students have their exams and we submit the grades by February 28th.  That's it.  I know it's a cliche thing to say, but this year has flown by!  It's now on to the next.  I've landed some summer work at a university language program in Chiang Mai for a few weeks and I'm currently in the process of getting my paperwork ready to make the move to South Korea.  I'm ready to move on, and although I've had many downs here, I'm going to miss it.  I'm going to miss the heat for sure.  I fucking love this tropical living.  (I do miss 4 seasons, but I know when it snows for the first time in Korea, I will be sick of it!).  About 2 weeks ago, we had a few monsoon-type storms.  After those hit, summer was upon us.  There was no gradual rise in temperature.  It was just BAM, summer is here!  95 degrees F here and I love it!

Anyways, this is turning into one of those rambling, going in many different directions blog, so without a proper conclusion, I'll leave it at that.  I've started Instagramming, so follow me if you like klrace87!  Until the next time...

Happy Trails! (Hopefully I'll be feeling better and be more focused!)

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