Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Cold December - Pic of the Week

I've been struggling with Pic of the Week this week.  I'm not reminiscing.  I'm not nostalgic.  There's nothing happening in Chiang Mai or any kind of event that urges me to pull out the camera, besides everyday nothingness.  So I turned to December

Being from Colorado, where there are 4 distinguishable seasons, it's difficult to believe it is actually December here in Thailand.  By now, Colorado should be covered in a blanket of snow (I use the term "should" lightly...chalk that one up to global warming) with freezing temperatures.  I'd be walking around in jeans, hoodies, coats, boots, gloves, scarves and sporting my favourite beanie hat.  Instead I've got on shorts, t-shirts and I would be wearing flip flops if they didn't fuck with my already fucked up ankle (I curse the girl that hit me with her motorbike every time I put shoes on).  I've got a nice pair of palm trees outside my window with some coconuts that I wonder how much longer it will be till they're ripe enough to steal.  All week it's reached 90 degrees Fahrenheit. 

December?  Does it even exist anymore?

Photo of the Week is to remind me that winter isn't something made up in my mind.  My friends' facebook statuses from back home are not fake.  It really is snowing there.  Hahaha...suckers!! :)

Photo of the Week
Snow melt blankets Bear Lake
Rocky Mountain National Park
May 2011
This photograph wasn't taken in December.  It was actually taken in May.  I'm sure there would be a shit ton more snow if it was taken in December...It comes to you from Bear Lake in Rocky Mountain National Park.  When I look at it, it makes me cold.  And it makes me appreciate my new found love of tropical living :)  (It drops to 70 degrees here and I need a hoodie...sheesh, what will happen when I move somewhere where winter does truly exist?!)

If you're somewhere and it's snowing, I hope you're sitting next to a crackling fire and sipping on a nice cup of hot chocolate.  As for me, I'm off to hunt down a coconut shake!

Happy Trails!

Check out Matt Costa's Cold December...it's a lovely tune :)


  1. Oh I will never miss a cold December. I hate snow! I hate being cold. I need to come join you in Thailand!

  2. Do it! Although it's cooled down here quite a bit - 80's (F) during the day, 60F in the morning...that's damn cold for Thailand. A girl has to wear her hoodie driving her motorbike to school in the morning ;)
