Monday, May 19, 2014

Another adventure on the horizon?

I was reading through some old posts looking for something (which I can't remember now...I got distracted - chock that one up to age), but I found my old Wonderful World of Disney post.  Towards the end, I mentioned that perhaps one of my next adventures would be to the Middle East in search of Aladdin his magic lamp...

For the last, probably 6 months or so, I've been in complete limbo.  Not sure of what to do or where to go next.  I feel like I'm constantly fighting the urge to move back to the States and settle down with that comfort and familiarity I sometimes crave.  But I'm confident that if I do go back, within the year I'll have itchy feet again.  I'm also fearful of going back to the States and not being able to find suitable employment and getting stuck temping again.  Fuuuuuuuuck that, son!

So recently, I've been thinking about Dubai...maybe I really will get to meet Aladdin and Abu.

Regardless, I told my manager yesterday that I'm extending my contract through November, so I'll be in Korea until then.  Hopefully fully healed (my ankle is sloooowly on the mend) and can take on a new adventure, head on.

Happy Trails!


  1. Glad you'll be here for a few more months!!! :-)

    1. Me too! Before I was debating leaving England in 2008, my friend asked me if I had done everything that I wanted to do there. I realized I hadn't and stayed another 2 years. I always keep that in mind now when I feel like leaving a place...

      P.S. I replied to this days ago, but it didn't post for some reason!

  2. Absolutely love that song! Hehe. Would go to Dubai just for that feeling!

    1. I love it, too! I'd like to go to Dubai to hopefully find a magic which houses a thrice-wish-giving blue genie ;)
