Friday, September 27, 2013

When You Feel Like an Ocean Being Warmed by the Sun

Fresh off the plane from Japan (well, fresh by a week - to be honest, I started writing this blog fresh off the plane, but was too exhausted to finish it), I was reminded over the last five days of what I really love about travelling.

Despite what I feel a lot of my friends think about my life living abroad, my life is just like yours - except for the fact that I live in Korea.  I have a job that I work hard at.  I live in a basic apartment.  I pay bills, etc, etc.  Trying to save money, I rarely get out these days.  Living in England for four years put me in major credit card debit and living in Thailand did nothing to help me get out of actually made it worse.  Add my student loans on top of that and this world traveller is living paycheck to paycheck.  Although I often write about travelling and visiting places, I rarely go on proper vacations.  In fact, I haven't been on vacation since last September when my friend and I went to Cambodia. 

Given the fact that I sat on my arse during my week long summer holiday from work (due to finances and pure laziness), and given the fact that I need surgery, I decided to bugger off and head to Japan for Chuesok (Korea's version of Thanksgiving) since the country basically shuts down for three days.

Here are a few things that I was reminded of that I love about travelling.

First, I really love the smell of an airport.  It's like the smell of a new car, or the smell after a refreshing rainfall, or the smell of fresh cut grass, or the sweet smell of a puppy's breath.  It's unique and lovely.  An airport, to me, smells of leather and adventure.  It's delicious.  (For the record, I really hate it when people use the term "delicious" to describe something as "delicious" that's not food, but really, I had to use it in this case and annoy myself).

Micro Machines...remember these little guys?
I always prefer to have a window seat when I fly for two reasons: The view and to have something to lean next to that's not my fellow passengers.  I also always think about the Wedding Singer when I fly, how Glenn never sits on the aisle seat because the flight attendants always bang his elbows with the drink cart...and how he obviously didn't love Julia (Gulia) enough to give up the window seat so she could look out the window on her first plane ride to Vegas to tie the knot.  Anyways, I digress.  My point is, there is this moment during takeoff that's magical to me.  It only last for about 30 seconds to a minute.  One moment you're on the ground, where everything looks as it really does.  The next moment, you look down and you're staring at a Micro Machines version of the world.  Everything that was its normal size is now cute and miniature.  Cars, trucks and buildings turn into toys and people all but disappear.  I love it.

(In case you didn't get my Wedding Singer you go!)

There's also this moment, when you're standing at the platform, waiting for the subway to come.  In the summer, it's hot and sticky, there's generally no breeze since, well, subways are underground.  There's no fresh air and it's stuffy, sometimes it feels like you're waiting ages for the subway to get there.  Then you feel it...A slight push of the air that starts off ever so light, but gradually increases into a wonderful breeze that means the subway is approaching.  Then woooooosh!  The subway arrives and you're on your way to your next adventure! 

There are also these moments of clarity when you travel.  You're either completely lost or can't read a thing, trying to figure out where you are on your English map while reading non-English signs.  Then something looks familiar and you've figured it out!  I always feel this enormous sense of pride and accomplishment when that happens.  The beginning of something new is always daunting, but as I've learned, the end result is brilliance.  It's actually one of the reasons why I prefer to travel alone, I feel more accomplished when I've done it by myself rather than when I've had help.  I like having a travel buddy every now and then, but I also love being solo...I'm just better at it.

These are the things that make me "feel like an ocean being warmed by the sun."

There's so much more about travel that I love, but these are a few little things that I was reminded of last week in lovely Japan. 

What are the little things that you love about travel?

Happy Trails!

Here's a Simple Song for simple things...(and the 'ocean' quote)

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